Given the increasing rate of comments (which I am thankful for), I figured it's time for me to clarify how I manage comments at Games by Tim.
You may have noticed that users can currently write comments anonymously. While I'm aware of the possible consequences of this setting, I haven't had major issues so far.
I remove comments that contain, but are not limited to:
- Spam
- Advertisements for other sites
- Links to questionable sites
- Profanity, since this is a family-friendly site
- I am ok with mild words used in positive context. "That was hella good" is fine, but "Go to hell" is not.
- Insults beyond constructive criticism
- Don't be afraid to criticize my projects, as long as you don't personally attack anyone.
- Personal info
- Anything illegal
I will continue to update this list whenever necessary.
If the comments ever go out of hand, I will restrict commenting accordingly.
Thank you for your consideration.