Below is a comprehensive list of changes to the Games by Tim website, released June 14, 2020.
General changes
- Games by Tim switches from Blogger to Gatsby.
- Blogger is a free blog hosting service from Google, which made sense to use before I knew web development.
- Gatsby is a static site generator that uses React, a JavaScript library, to build the interface.
- Compared to Blogger, Gatsby allows for a far more flexible website. It also incorporates modern techniques that enhance site performance, accessibility, and search engine optimization (SEO), explained throughout the rest of the release notes.
- Games by Tim is now responsive for mobile devices.
- The previous Blogger website had a separate mobile site, which deviated away from the main site's look and feel.
- The new website is properly designed for both mobile and desktop devices. See for yourself by resizing your browser window.
- Because the new website can dynamically adjust itself, larger displays get blessed with bigger font sizes and images.
- Games by Tim now has animations.
- Each page you load fades into view.
- The homepage intro banner and the hamburger menu (on mobile view) also have their own animations.
- Animations are disabled if "reduced motion" is enabled on your device.
- Games by Tim now has a dark mode.
- When you first visit the site, the site sets its theme based on your system preference.
- You can change themes by clicking the sun or moon on the top right of the navbar.
- Games by Tim is now open source.
- Because Gatsby-made sites are hand-coded, it is possible to share the website's source code.
- You can view the Games by Tim source code here.
Performance improvements
- Thanks to Gatsby, the new site utilizes several techniques to improve page speed and performance, including:
- Code minification - removing blank spaces from the code you load to minimize download size.
- Link preloading - When your cursor hovers over a link, the site prefetches the page content. That way, the page instantly loads when you click on it.
- Image lazy loading - Images won't load until you scroll down to them, saving precious seconds off initial page load. (That's why the images blur in if you were curious.)
- Selective image downloading - It's a waste to download large images for small screens, so the site downloads smaller versions of images on such devices.
SEO improvements
- URLs look a lot more cleaner.
- For instance, the So Many Numbers project URL, which used to be ( is now simply (
- Without the date hanging in the URLs, search engines should realize that projects are ongoing and not locked into a date.
- Countless other URLs look cleaner too.
- Page articles are now properly formatted.
- On Blogger, I used workarounds against the web standard to make text look more attractive.
- The new site better confirms to web standards, which should be easier for search engines to crawl.
- Meta descriptions are now optimized for search engines.
- Search engines tend to have around a 160-character limit for descriptions. Gatsby automatically makes the first 160 characters of full words of a blog post or project description the meta description.
- Social media sharing cards have been optimized.
- Whenever you share a link on Facebook, Twitter, or Slack, the post populates with an image, the website's title, and a description.
- The new site specifically configures which images, titles, and descriptions to use for these cards.
- Games by Tim is now a progressive web app (PWA).
- On Chrome, you should see a plus button to "install" Games by Tim to your homescreen.
- The logo's now rendered as an SVG.
- SVGs are scale able vector graphics that look perfect regardless of device.
- The navbar's links are more streamlined.
- The new Contact page contains a public-facing email address so you can privately send me a message.
- The link to the GitHub profile is now the GitHub icon.
- The Grab Bag link is gone since hardly anyone clicked on that link. You can instead find the Grab Bag at the bottom of the homepage.
- The homepage and blog links now properly change style when you're on their pages.
- The reason they didn't work previously was due to a Blogger limitation.
- The navbar stays fixed across the site.
- It stays with you as you scroll down the site for quick access to the links and theme toggle.
- The navbar features gaussian blur.
- Gaussian blur does not work on Firefox, which will instead use light transparency for the time being.
- The homepage is now directly on instead of
- The home.html thing was a Blogger limitation since all Blogger homepages have to be the blog feed. I had to set a redirect from the "homepage" to a different page.
- Projects now display screenshots instead of their app icons.
- Since the new site's more expansive, it makes sense to fill it with more expansive kinds of images. Plus, screenshots offer a more authentic preview of projects than app icons ever would.
- "Other projects" no longer exist. Each smaller-scale project gets a dedicated category now.
Project pages
- Project descriptions are now separated from blog posts.
- This not only allows for a more unique project showcase, it also greatly improves SEO since there's no outdated date attached to the project page.
- Each project page now has a streamlined look and feel.
- Blogger posts didn't have structure, which meant each project page lacked some form of consistency.
- Now they're more consistent since I can fine-tune exactly how a project page should look.
- The Archive has been replaced with links to older versions of projects on their respective pages.
Blog feed
- Instead of showing the beginning of the blog post, the blog feed now includes a short description instead.
- This helps make each blog post look more consistent.
- It also does away with jump breaks, which I had a hard time staying consistent with on Blogger.
- Blog posts that were originally project descriptions have been removed because they are redundant.
Blog posts
- All non-project blog posts have been ported to the new site.
- Some blog posts received minor edits. Most, if not all blog posts received formatting improvements.
- Blog posts have a smaller maximum number of characters per line.
- Many article sites, such as Medium, limit the text width so articles are easier to read. The new Games by Tim adopts the trend.
- Images now completely fill the text width when possible.
- This would've been very difficult to pull off with Blogger. Gatsby does it automatically.
- All images now come with slightly rounded edges.
- This arguably looks more pleasing to the eye.
- Blog posts about specific projects now have a top widget with relevant project links.
- This change greatly improves consistency regarding where to put such links in the blog post.
- A code formatting plugin has been installed so future blog posts can include code snippets.
- A change not possible with Blogger. Prepare for more technically oriented blog posts moving forward.
- I'm now mentioned by my name, Timothy Hsu, instead of Tim the Writer.
- Comments are now run via Hyvor Talk.
- Hyvor Talk's advantages over Blogger's built-in commenting system include spam protection with RECAPCHA and the ability to disclose your email to receive a notification whenever I reply to your post.
Grab Bag
- Retired projects have been renamed to Unlisted projects.
- The old Games by Tim remains accessible on